The Moon Bats are at it again

Recently a gun control group held a rally to help raise awareness of gun violence in the country, they read the names of 4500 people killed by guns since the Sandy Hook shooting in Newtown Connecticut. The group was made up of supporters of Bloomberg’s Mayors against illegal guns, Bloomberg’s gun grabbing group advocating a global registry and banning of all semi automatic weapons.
What might you ask makes this rally any worse than others these gun grabbers host? The problem is one name they chose to include on that list, the name Tamerlan Tsarnev ( Why is this name such a problem? Because Tamerlan was one of the Boston marathon bombers, and he was killed in a shootout with police. He was an Islamic terrorist who set off a bomb on American soil, killing 3 and wounding dozens. And this group is memorializing him as an innocent victim of gun violence.
Wake up people, these are the true enemies of freedom. These so-called defenders of the innocent, those who want to protect those who can not protect themselves, these people who think they know better than we do what we need to protect ourselves. These are the true enemies that will destroy our country, and we need to stop them,
WAKE UP AMERICAN PATRIOTS, now is the time for action, now is the time to take back our country.

More elitist Bull Shit

I am sick and tired of the elites in Hollywood running their c*ck holsters every time something happens. The Unite States Of America was founded on INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. We were never meant to be a communist, socialist, or monarchy type of government. We fought a tyrant and defeated him to gain our freedom. So for all of you Hollywood elitists and politicians who want to change our country into a socialist or communist state, guess what it doesn’t work, yet if you still believe in it go to a country that already has it. I hear China is nice this time of year. The latest comes from the fat elitist bastard Michael Moore, He says we began America with a we started America with a revolution against a tyrant who tried to implement laws that the current administration is trying to.

Here is a Huffington Post story on celebrities who are speaking out against gun rights. Apparently these people don’t read or research history.


  1. In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. >From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated
  2. In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
  3. Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
  4. China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated
  5. Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
  6. Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
  7. Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million educated people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million.

So before you elitist snobs say anything about the government taking away my guns, lose your armed security and body guards because you are no more important to the world than any one else, and for you elitists who think the world will stop if you were gone, try it and see what happens.

Yeah cause guns are the problem

Chinese man attacks 22 children with a knife.  I am so glad he didn’t have a gun, people could have gotten hurt.

When people say “Well if there were no guns no one would hurt anyone,” it just makes them look like jack asses. If there were no guns people will still get hurt. Or have they forgotten what war was like up until the 1500’s. People used swords, knives, dagger, axes, spears, and even rocks to kill their enemy. And how do you think people were assassinated prior to guns, YES people were assassinated, have you forgotten about Japans Ninja’s and India’s Thugees, from which we get the word thug which we associate with criminals today.

And then there is the middle east, where we have this video of a 12-year-old child beheading some one while being cheered on by the adults. Tell me again how taking my guns away will stop this violence.

According to the FBI violent crimes dropped for the fifth year in a row, read it here. Wait how could this happen? Gun Nazis swore that when the assault weapons ban ended in 2004 we would be overrun by violent gun crimes committed with assault rifles.

People say guns commit cause murder, really wow, cause in the United States in 2011 there were 9,369 murders committed with guns. While there are over 52 million legal gun owners in the United States. Wow take those guns away from us legal owners, cause we are sooo bad. How about instead of just looking at how many guns were used in those crimes we look at how many legal gun owners committed those crimes. I would post statistics on it but I can’t find any, when the dem/libtards in power here gun crime they automatically assign blame to the gun, which should show their ignorance. In 2011 10,228 people were killed by drunk drivers. Read the report here. Why aren’t the dem/libtards calling for taking away cars, or alcohol, they are just as inanimate as a gun until the person using them decides to break the law.

Wake up an inanimate object does not murder or hurt people, it is the HUMAN who is operating those objects. How about instead of taking my rights away we use me and my rights to solve the problem. It makes more sense to me.

A very dark place

When I heard about the act of evil perpetrated yesterday against those innocent children I was transported back to a place over seven years ago.

I was in a place called Yusafiah Iraq, it was my first combat deployment. During foot patrols in the villages around my Forward Operating Base(FOB) I got to know the citizens, they were a great bunch of people who had been beaten down by everyone from their leaders, to their religious teachers, to the terrorists who were using them as human shields. I used to talk to the people, I knew just enough Arabic to get my point across and they were willing to learn English, I grew to like them. They were just trying to do what every one on the planet does, they were trying to give their children a better life than they had. One of these children was Mohamed, he was six years old, I got to know him well, and I really liked him. Every time I walked into his village he was there to greet me with a huge smile. He loved it when we came through because as he put it, “you are here to kill bad people and help me be free, just like the kids in America.”

He loved playing soccer, and we usually planned our patrols to give us time to hang out and play soccer. We would also just sit and talk to the people, we would teach them English and they would try and teach us Arabic, they would tell us how great Iraq would be as soon as we got rid of the insurgents and how they couldn’t wait until they were free, and one of the things the children were most looking forward too was the opening of the local school. Opening the school was one of the projects we were working on, it was one of three schools we were working on. The children were looking forward to it so much they would try and help us rebuild it, this consisted mostly of getting tools, nails, or bottles of water when we needed it. But they thought it was the greatest thing ever.

As the time drew closer to open the school, Mohamed got even more and more excited, he couldn’t wait to go. One day he came to me and said he didn’t want to go to school anymore and when I asked why he just pointed to his feet. He had on mismatched slippers that had seen their better days, he was embarrassed by his slippers. A few days before the school opened while I was patrolling through his village again I asked if he was ready for school and he still didn’t want to go with the slippers he had on. So I pulled a brand new pair of flip-flops out of my bag and gave them to him. You think I gave him a million dollars, he was smiling and thanking me, he brought his family out to show off his new slippers, and he said, “now everyone will be jealous of me and I will get all the girls.” To see him that happy was just about the best day of my life. He said he wished school opened the next day so he could show them off.

Three days before the school was set to open the insurgent scum bags posted a letter on the door to the school it said “If you send your children to this school provided by the infidel scum you will regret it.”  We searched the school and didn’t find anything out-of-place, we looked for bombs, booby traps, anything that would hurt the children, finding nothing we posted Iraqi soldiers as guards.

Finally the day came to open the school. We showed up to the school complete with bags full of school supplies, pencils, paper, rulers, crayons, the things they would need for school. There was a ceremony that the village elders attended, along with a number of our higher-ups. There were Iraqi news outlets there filming the accomplishment. I was handing out school supplies when I felt a tug on gear, I looked around and there was Mohamed, he was bare foot carrying his brand new slippers, I asked him why and he said he didn’t want to get them dirty before everyone could see them. He had a smile a mile wide on his face, and he said in his broken English, “Thank you for my school, you guys are my heroes.” I felt like I was walking on a cloud, these kids were as excited for their first day at school as American children were for Christmas. Mohamed walked almost into the school before he put his slippers on, he looked back at me with a huge grin, smiled and walked into class with his head held high.

After all the fan fair and hand shakes and ribbon cutting was done, the principal of the school thanked us and off we went. We were gone for about ten seconds when it exploded. The school exploded. Time seemed to stop as I swung around in my turret I saw black smoke and grey dust where the school had just been. I jumped out of my turret and ran back to what was left of the school, there were children covered in dust and soot screaming and running around, some were bloodied, some were just disoriented. We searched around the area trying to find the bastard that did this and we couldn’t find anyone other than school officials and Iraqi Army. Then we started the grizzly recovery efforts, we started combing through the rubble of what had just been the happiest place in Iraq.

We found very few living people. What we did find was lots of body parts, lots of body parts that were just a little while ago happy playing children on their way to school, most of them for the first time ever. I was searching for Mohamed, my little buddy couldn’t have been killed, but all I found was one of his little feet still wearing the slipper I had given him a few days ago.

After the explosion we locked down every village that had sent children to the school and went from one side top to bottom to the other side and detained every male 8 to 80, and we shot anyone who resisted. I thought that would help me feel better. It didn’t.

At that time, just like now I question why, why did this happen to children? How could we have let this happen? But most important I want to know what we can do to prevent this from ever happening again. In Iraq we placed armed guards at the remaining schools, a well vetted and checked out armed guard force. That guard force we installed prevented further attacks, in one instance the guards successfully fought of an armed gang that tried to take over one of the schools. During this incident no children were killed, and only one was wounded, he hurt his ankle running from the windows to stay out of the line of fire. If this violence ridden war zone can emplace a guard force that protects its children why can’t we do it here? Why must the law-abiding citizens give up their rights because of a few deranged evil people? The answer is they should not, these law-abiding citizens should be placed as security guards for our children.

This tragedy could have been averted but it could not have been averted by taking the guns away from citizenry, it could have been averted by having a Sheep Dog in place to watch over the children. We must protect our children, they are our greatest treasure, and they deserve nothing less.

A solution to the security problem

I see people calling for stricter gun laws, taking away the guns from the law-abiding citizens because the actions of an evil few. So does that mean we take cars away from every one because of drunk drivers, or knives away from everyone because of people like Jeffery Dahmer, or do we take fertilizer away from farmers because of Timothy McVeigh? Of course not because those inanimate objects did not kill on their own it was the human behind them. I also hear people calling to arm our teachers so they can protect the children. I do not agree with this. Making someone have a gun is never a good thing, because one- they may not like guns, two- they may not truly train with those guns, and that’s just as dangerous, three- people who do not want to use a gun will leave it at home. Arming our teachers is not the answer.

Then what is the answer you ask, simple provide an armed security force of trained and dedicated people to help prevent these attacks in the future. And where do we get these, “highly trained” individuals, simple we already have them, there are thousands of Veterans from the Military without a job, they are looking but the jobs are not there. The reason is simple, these Veterans do not have what people call “marketable” skills, but they do have skills, skills the average American citizen does not have. They train their whole careers for security, providing it, training people to do it, and living it. Plus these Veterans have already proven their love for this country and our citizens by volunteering to join the Military during a time of war, and going of to a foreign land to protect our country. Who better to provide security for our children, our greatest treasure? And yes I know you’re thinking about those  “evil, PTSD ridden soldiers” well guess what,l more of our returning veterans are mentally stable and able to continue protecting our country.

There are also an untapped resource we can look too, the retired Military and Law Enforcement group. They retired for one reason or another, yet they still have the ability to protect us.

So before you call for stricter gun control, which has been proven ineffective in reducing crime, even helpful to criminals, lets look at ways to defend against these people without taking away the rights of law-abiding citizens.

Who is confused by the Second Amendment

A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a FREE State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

For those who do not know that is the Second Amendment to the Constitution of The United States of America as written in the Bill of rights. Second only to free speech, religion and press. Why I ask was it placed so high in the Bill of Rights? Because our founding fathers knew that the government could not protect everyone every minute of every day. And if you read the wording of it you would understand why they felt it necessary to put in the constitution and why they placed it so high.

Lets look at it piece by piece:

A well-regulated Militia. That’s an easy part to understand right? Wrong. When most people think of a Militia they think of some wannabe playing soldier on the weekend, planning for the violent overthrow of their government, which is wrong. A Militia is a defense activity or service to protect its community, territory, property or laws. It is a group of volunteers who protect their community, that is all.They protect their community and it’s people.

Being necessary to the security of a free state. This means the Militia is a key component of keeping a state free. Now State has many meanings, it could be used to mean the whole country, or a normal state, or a group of people standing together. To get the full meaning of this portion of the amendment we need to look at the word as used by our founding fathers, back in 1775 they used the word state to refer to the whole of the people living in the colonies hoping to gain independence from the tyrannical British. So today using their example it means the whole country. They knew the federal government that they hadn’t even put in place yet could not be trusted to keep the people free. They knew we would need citizens, law-abiding citizens to help keep us free. And not only free from tyranny that we had been crushing us but also to help keep every day people free from the criminal element, because lets face it as great as our Police are there are not enough of them to patrol every house every minute of every day, the average response time of Police to a crime is about 4 minutes, and a lot can happen on 4 minutes.

The right to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. What this says is that every one who is governed by the Constitution has the right to have weapons, and that those rights shall not be taken away or impeded upon by the government. Simply put, we have the right, not the privilege as many of today’s politicians believe, to own weapons. I know what you’re thinking, “What about convicted criminals, the mentally unstable and so forth and so on” Well I believe every American citizen is born with the right to bear arms, that being said that right can be stripped away by violating the very laws and people the Second Amendment is there to protect, a criminal by choosing to break the law says he/she does not believe in the law and therefore does not believe in the Constitution on which those laws were founded so there goes their rights. As for those deemed mentally unstable, of course I would not want them walking around with a gun, the same way I would not want them driving a car, flying a plane. practicing medicine, or being in law enforcement, how ever I don’t make that decision it is made by people who have a lot more schooling than me.

As I hear on the news the debate of why we have the Second Amendment and why we “need” to have weapons it disturbs me to my very soul. Why because the founding fathers who were a lot smarter it seems than politicians today knew the dangers that we would be facing and the made sure to address them. I hear the talking heads saying the founding fathers were talking about muskets not modern “assault” weapons, oh really? Cause I thought muskets were the modern assault rifles of their day. And no where in the amendment does it say to keep and bear Arms to fight the government, it says “Being necessary to the security of a free state'” to me that includes our home town streets, our communities, our homes. If every law-abiding citizen was allowed to carry their legally obtained and registered fire arm inside and outside the house, at every location in the US, we would no longer hear of these mass shootings and crime waves. If more people had legal guns on them, these petty, punk ass criminals that did these evil things would either think twice about doing it, or be stopped as soon as they start the crime. This is the security of a free state the founding fathers were talking about.

Wake the F**K up America

How many more of these tragedies do we have to watch before we realize allowing law-abiding citizens to carry their legal, licensed guns for protection. And for everyone who says “Guns are evil and with out them this wouldn’t happen.” OK what about this, this is the story of a Chinese man who attacked school children outside their school with a knife. China has some of the strictest gun laws in the world, and this man found a way to attack people.

Don’t even say the second amendment doesn’t cover citizens carrying weapons in public, BULLSHIT. The second amendment is there for the very protection we need right now. If you look at all these mass shootings they have one thing in common, they all happen in “Gun-Free” zones, so go ahead and try and tell me stricter gun laws would prevent this. If you want strict gun laws move to England, China, Japan, Australia, or one of the any other country with strict gun laws. Leave my legal right to own guns and protect myself and my family the fuck alone.

This is The United States of America, we have been the greatest country in the world until the freeloading POS, welfare, obama-phone having, give me everything for free assholes elected a socialist into office. We have lost the world standing we have had for over 200 years in just 4 years of his being in office, and he was elected again because his opponent promised to put Americans back to work. This country has become the land of the lazy, people need to realize there is a distinct difference between freedom, and the promise of free stuff.

We need to take our country back from the tyrant who bought his reelection by promising lazy bastards they won’t have to work because he’ll just take everything from those who do.

I guarantee the day they come and try and take my guns they will have to pry them from mu cold dead hands after I run out of ammunition and they over take me from beating them to death with them.

I’m back and I’m pissed

OK guys I know it’s been a while, I’ve been going through some personal things and I had to take care of that, but now I’m back and now I’m pissed.

Another mass shooting, this time at an elementary school in Connecticut. Reports are that 18 children are dead, that is EIGHTEEN, taken out of this world by what appears to be 2 deranged, evil people. These children are dead because that school like every other school in the country is a gun free zone. And the only people who abide by that law are the law-abiding citizens who would not commit a crime like this. GUN FREE ZONES ARE ONLY GUN FREE FOR THE LAW ABIDING GUN OWNER. If there was 1 law-abiding concealed carrying citizen in that school this never would have happened. This happened because that piece of shit shooter knew there would be no one to stand up to him. He was a coward who chose an elementary school because he knew he could affect maximum casualties with minimum resistance.

Gun control is not the answer. The answer is to let law-abiding citizen carry guns. If more law-abiding citizens were allowed to carry their legal, registered fire arms tragedies like this would not happen. The people who carry out these crimes chose the places that are least likely to have any armed people to stop them. They are cowards, and they would not willingly go up against a legally carrying person. They choose schools, and movie theaters, and college campuses because they know it is illegal for law-abiding citizens to carry guns there and that they can kill and hurt and maim till their heart’s content and not have to worry about being stopped.

If the government is successful in taking guns away from law-abiding, properly trained citizens then these tragedies will grow in frequency and violence, and the death tolls will go higher. We need more law-abiding citizens who are legally carrying legal, registered weapons to stand up to these deranged, evil, heartless individuals who are carrying out these tragedies.

Saints of God, come to these children’s aid!
Come to
meet these children, angels of the Lord!
Receive their souls and present them to God the Most High.

May Christ, Who called you, take you to Himself;
may angels lead you to Abraham’s side.
Receive their souls and present them to God the Most High.

Give these children eternal rest, O Lord,
and may Your light shine upon them forever.
Receive their souls and present them to God the Most High.

 We commend these children to you, Lord.
Now that they have passed from this life,
may they live on in Your presence.
In Your mercy and love, forgive whatever sins they
may have committed through human weakness.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

He’s one to talk

In light of the horrendous shooting in Aurora Colorado, Mexico’s president Felipe Calderon has said that the US needs to review its mistaken legislation on guns. He says our gun laws are hurting everyone, meaning Mexico.

Well isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black. I think, as do about 500 million more Americans, that he needs to clean up his own country before even thinking about making a comment about ours. Let’s see, he does nothing to help enforce immigration laws, in fact he is helping Obama advertise food stamps in Mexico, showing his citizens they get free stuff for coming here. Meanwhile he is doing nothing to stop the ever-increasing flow of drugs coming into the US. He keeps blaming us for allowing the crime from his country coming here.

We have places in our country, like Arizona, where Mexican drug cartels now claim as their own. I don’t see Calderon doing anything about that. Yet he’ll cry about our gun laws, yeah well clean up your own country first.

The Second Amendment is an AMERICAN constitutional right, not a Mexican, nor a UN right. It is our right, and I say every other country can go kick rocks, especially if they have a higher crime rate than we do, cause apparently they suck at policing themselves.

I am all for the right to bear arms

Amendment 2 – Right to Bear Arms. Ratified 12/15/1791

A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The second amendment to the US Constitution, it has become a popular topic of discussion lately. In light of the mass shooting in Aurora Colorado people on both sides of the gun ownership issue have been shouting why their position is the best and why the second amendment should stand or be repealed. Well I for one think it as well as the rest of the Constitution should be upheld as the law of the land as our Founding Fathers had intended.

Getting back to the topic at hand. I see a lot of people on the side of gun ownership and pro second amendment saying if one legal concealed carry owner had been in the theater that night things would have been different. Well they might be right, then again they might be wrong. Just because some one owns a gun it does not mean they actually know how to use it. If a gun owner who has a gun and doesn’t know how to use it, they might not use it, then this shooting would have ended the same exact way it did. Now if the same gun owner used the gun not knowing how to shoot under stress, that person could have shot innocent people adding to the tragedy. Now add another untrained gun owner and the tragedy mulitplies ten-fold.

Now put just one legally concealed carrying gun owner, who takes his second amendment right seriously and actually takes his gun out to the range, and trains, not just on stationary targets, but also trains on moving targets, and multiple and target discrimination. A gun owner who trains in stress shooting, when their heart rate is at 120 bpm, and 130 bpm and up, who shoots in low light and night situations, and no I’m not talking about a Military or Law Enforcement Member, just a person who takes  their right to bear arms and protect their family seriously and knows that danger does not just come when you are ready. Put that one gun owner in that theater and that shooting is over before the shooter gets off more than 10 rounds, I guarantee it. A law-abiding gun owner does not have a gun to go looking for trouble, they have guns to stop trouble that comes looking for them or the people they are with.

The second amendment is a short but important one. Do not let the federal government take away our rights to defend ourselves.